Our Supporters…
are the only reason we are able to continue doing what it is we feel is imperative to our community. Between the volunteers and donors, we would not be able to make the magic we make if they did not come together to create the foundation by which we are building. Please reach out to us if you would like to become one of our esteemed donors and or volunteers! All of our events are centered around our heritage and possess a teaching element. It is with your support that we can maintain our culture, grow awareness and create amazing events for all involved! For example the Guyanese Kite Flying features a Kite Flying Class! The Picnic will have a Steel Pan class and more to come! We can use all the help that can be mustered. Below we have taken the time to acknowledge all of those who make our events happen!
Donor Packages
$1- $100
You understand the importance that every bit counts and believe it is necessary to continue what we have been handed.
You understand that nothing can be innovated without funding and are committed to this legacy staying alive and growing!
Your unwavering love and devotion to the mission is paramount and you support the younger generation in its efforts to sustain and grow what was started in 1984.
You believe in what we are doing and have the devotion to the mission we are intending to accomplish. Because of you, we can and will make a significant impact!
You not only believe in what we are doing, you find it of the utmost importance and deem it not only necessary but paramount that our traditions are sustained, maintained and carried on!
$2,501 & up
You have decided that you will do all that is in your power to aid in not only keeping the tradition alive but also broadening the scope by which we are able to grow and expand. Not only do you have a love for our mission but you understand and desire to see us grow to great heights.